What is a rose, visually? A rose comprises its intrinsics, including the distribution of geometry, texture, and material specific to its object category. With knowledge of these intrinsic properties, we may render roses of different sizes and shapes, in different poses, and under different lighting conditions. In this work, we build a generative model that learns to capture such object intrinsics from a single image, such as a photo of a bouquet. Such an image includes multiple instances of an object type. These instances all share the same intrinsics, but appear different due to a combination of variance within these intrinsics and differences in extrinsic factors, such as pose and illumination. Experiments show that our model successfully learns object intrinsics (distribution of geometry, texture, and material) for a wide range of objects, each from a single Internet image. Our method achieves superior results on multiple downstream tasks, including intrinsic image decomposition, shape and image generation, view synthesis, and relighting.
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Humans use all of their senses to accomplish different tasks in everyday activities. In contrast, existing work on robotic manipulation mostly relies on one, or occasionally two modalities, such as vision and touch. In this work, we systematically study how visual, auditory, and tactile perception can jointly help robots to solve complex manipulation tasks. We build a robot system that can see with a camera, hear with a contact microphone, and feel with a vision-based tactile sensor, with all three sensory modalities fused with a self-attention model. Results on two challenging tasks, dense packing and pouring, demonstrate the necessity and power of multisensory perception for robotic manipulation: vision displays the global status of the robot but can often suffer from occlusion, audio provides immediate feedback of key moments that are even invisible, and touch offers precise local geometry for decision making. Leveraging all three modalities, our robotic system significantly outperforms prior methods.
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A common scenario of Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (MNMT) is that each translation task arrives in a sequential manner, and the training data of previous tasks is unavailable. In this scenario, the current methods suffer heavily from catastrophic forgetting (CF). To alleviate the CF, we investigate knowledge distillation based life-long learning methods. Specifically, in one-tomany scenario, we propose a multilingual distillation method to make the new model (student) jointly learn multilingual output from old model (teacher) and new task. In many-to one scenario, we find that direct distillation faces the extreme partial distillation problem, and we propose two different methods to address it: pseudo input distillation and reverse teacher distillation. The experimental results on twelve translation tasks show that the proposed methods can better consolidate the previous knowledge and sharply alleviate the CF.
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我们提出了一个名为Star-GNN的视频特征表示学习框架,该框架在多尺度晶格功能图上应用了可插入的图形神经网络组件。 Star-GNN的本质是利用时间动力学和空间内容以及帧中不同尺度区域之间的视觉连接。它对带有晶格特征图的视频进行建模,其中节点代表不同粒度的区域,其加权边缘代表空间和时间链接。上下文节点通过图形神经网络同时汇总,并具有训练有检索三重损失的参数。在实验中,我们表明Star-GNN有效地在视频框架序列上实现了动态注意机制,从而强调了视频中动态和语义丰富的内容,并且对噪声和冗余是强大的。经验结果表明,STAR-GNN可实现基于内容的视频检索的最新性能。
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我们研究了将人类设计师创建的基于图像的,逐步组装手册转换为机器可解剖说明的问题。我们将此问题提出为顺序预测任务:在每个步骤中,我们的模型都读取手册,将要添加到当前形状中的组件定位,并注入其3D姿势。此任务构成了在手动图像和实际3D对象之间建立2D-3D对应关系的挑战,以及对看不见的3D对象的3D姿势估计,因为要在步骤中添加的新组件可以是从前一个步骤中构建的对象。为了应对这两个挑战,我们提出了一个基于学习的新型框架,即手动到执行计划网络(MEPNET),该网络(MEPNET)从一系列手动图像中重建了组装步骤。关键思想是将神经2D关键点检测模块和2D-3D投影算法进行高精度预测和强有力的概括为看不见的组件。 MEPNET在三个新收集的乐高手册数据集和Minecraft House数据集上优于现有方法。
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在这项工作中,我们探索了用于视觉接地的整洁而有效的基于变压器的框架。先前的方法通常解决了视觉接地的核心问题,即具有手动设计的机制,即多模式融合和推理。这样的启发式设计不仅复杂化,而且使模型容易过度拟合特定的数据分布。为了避免这种情况,我们首先提出了TransVG,该TransVG通过变压器建立了多模式的对应关系,并通过直接回归框坐标来定位引用区域。我们从经验上表明,复杂的融合模块可以用具有更高性能的变压器编码层的简单堆栈代替。但是,TransVG中的核心融合变压器是针对Uni-Modal编码器的独立性,因此应在有限的视觉接地数据上从头开始训练,这使得很难优化并导致次优性能。为此,我们进一步介绍了TransVG ++以进行两倍的改进。一方面,我们通过利用Vision Transformer(VIT)进行视觉功能编码来将框架升级到一个纯粹的基于变压器的框架。对于另一个人来说,我们设计了语言有条件的视觉变压器,以去除外部融合模块,并重用Uni-Modal vit进行中间层的视觉融合。我们对五个普遍数据集进行了广泛的实验,并报告一系列最先进的记录。
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